Thứ Ba, 10 tháng 4, 2012

Kindle Fire Review – Top Six Features Of The Fire

This article talks about the top six features of the Kindle Fire. It enables user to surf the internet, listen to music, watch movie, read books and etc. Here are the top five features of the Kindle Fire that i am going to share with you:

Dual core processor

The Kindle Fire utilizes the dual core processor for fast, powerful performance. Stream music while browsing the web or read books while downloading videos. It can handle multitasking smoothly.


Millions of books can be found in the library. You can borrow books from the library. Besides that, you also can download the sample and read the reviews. If you are looking for an e-reader with amazing color display, The Fire is a right e-reader for you.

Free one month membership of Amazon Prime

You will be able to stream unlimited of TV shows and movies. There are thousands of movies in the library that are available to stream, download, purchase or rent. You can stream and watch it anytime, anywhere you want as long as your Fire gets connected to the wireless. With the membership, you get to access to the Lending Library where you can stream thousand of movies from there.

Free cloud storage service

Stop worrying about memory. Amazon gives you a 5GB free storage for all your Amazon digital contents. You get to download and stream all your movies and apps instantly with a touch of your finger.

Amazon’s Apps Store

You can download apps from Amazon’s apps store. It has a wide range of apps you can download. Besides that, it offers a paid app for FREE everyday! You can play Angry Bird on your Kindle!

Kindle owner’s Lending Library

There are over a hundred thousand books in the Lending Library. With an Amazon Prime membership, Kindle owners can choose a book to borrow for free.

Fire is a good choice among all the tablets. It features amazing color display, wide range of apps, streaming music and movies that is compatible with Adobe’s Flash. In term of price, it costs only $199. It is very cheap for a tablet. It allows you to get virtually 5GB free storage with Amazon’s Cloud storage. Besides that, none of any users complain about the Kindle Fire’s battery life. Start asking yourself, what are you actually looking for? If you just want to read some books, surf the internet, listen to some musics, why not going for this great device?

Thanks for reading the top six features of the Kindle Fire.

By Ket Phin Wong

Ket Phin Wong is a Kindle Fire enthusiast.

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