Thứ Ba, 10 tháng 4, 2012

Amazon shops for content to fuel international Kindle Fire

Amazon is hustling for content, rights and product on all platforms as it gears up to launch the new video friendly Kindle Fire to international markets.
Amazon’s head of global video Anthony Bay delivered a MipTv keynote with the message, “if you not talking to us, you should be.”
With digital ruling the roost at the online retailer, Bay said that the transition between selling physical and digital consumption is on track. “The number of electronic books we sell exceeds the number of physical books.” But he claims it does not cannibalise physical book sales with customers buying both.
“We have a very similar chart for video: DVDs and Blu-rays, and digital video. The trust that we’ve built up with customers in physical is transitioning very very well to digital,” he said.
There are around 120,000 titles available in the Amazon Digital Video store and with the acquisition of streaming film service LoveFilm in 2011, now has more two million subscribers.
Meanwhile, IMDb, the film and TV database has more than 150 million unique visitors every month, with 40 million via its mobile app. “We’re spending a lot of resource to help educate consumers about internet video,” said Bay.
He hinted at a European and wider international launch for Kindle Fire very soon and believed it would be driving higher video consumption. “The Kindle team would describe it as a content-forward strategy. When you turn on the Kindle, it goes right to the books. And when you turn on the Kindle Fire, it goes right to whatever you’ve been watching or listening to.” 45% of Amazon’s revenue now comes outside of the US.
Meanwhile, the tech giant has giant the content creation bandwagon with the creation of Amazon Studios where Amazon will take the role of producer to help fund and create commercial content. “People who would otherwise be unable to find an audience for their script can put it on Amazon Studios. We have a long heritage of helping people who make wonderful content sell and market their content. And digital is not fundamentally different… We believe we can be a great partner.”
He added that Amazon "has a deep knowledge of customers” and can offer them not only the content they love via recommendations but also richer data experiences through IMDB.
"We are active in all market segments, from the physical DVD rental subscription system streaming. We are able to offer a complete range of business models to our partners, "he said. ®

By Natalie Apostolou

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